Glass and Porcelain for candles
Schaffen Sie eine gemütliche Atmosphäre in Ihrer Wohnung und setzen Sie Ihre Kerzen gekonnt in Szene. In unserem vielfältigen Sortiment an Kerzenzubehör finden Sie sicher das passende Dekostück für Ihr Zuhause. Kerzenhalter, Kerzenteller und Laternen aus anderen Materialien finden Sie unter Kerzen/Kerzenzubehör..
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82 Items Found, Show items 1 - 24

Glass vase Cyli round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
2,60 € *

Glass vase Cube rectangular clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
9,30 € *

Glass bowl Cora round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
20,30 € *

Glass bowl Candle Light round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
7,80 € *

Glass vase Cube rectangular clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
2,60 € *

Glass vase Hurricane round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,30 € *

Glass plate Mirror round by Sandra Rich
starting from
7,40 € *

Porcelain bowl Square rectangular white by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,10 € *

Tealight holder Candle Mood round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,90 € *

Glass vase Globe round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
5,70 € *

Porcelain bowl Square rectangular white by Sandra Rich
starting from
6,10 € *

Glass plate Mirror rectangular by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,10 € *

Glass vase Bexa round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
12,50 € *

Glas bowl Fish Bowl round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
5,10 € *

Glass bowl Fish Bowl ball frosted by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,50 € *

Porcelain bowl Stripes by Sandra Rich
starting from
6,00 € *

Glass plate Candle Mood round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
3,10 € *

Glass bowl Coni conical by Sandra Rich
starting from
9,40 € *

Tealight holder Glory round by Sandra Rich
starting from
4,80 € *

Porcelain bowl Cliff schwarz by Sandra Rich
starting from
6,80 € *

Glass plate Square rectangular white by Sandra Rich
starting from
2,70 € *

Tealight holder Stick round clear by Sandra Rich
starting from
3,30 € *